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Team Spotlight

Get to know Nicole Hochleitner

Q: What is your position at RCCbc?

A: I’m the Rural Continuing Medical Education (RCME) Liaison for the Interior.

Q: What does that mean?

A: My role provides support to all rural and remote communities in British Columbia’s (BC) Interior by developing processes, structures and policies to execute community RCME; assisting with provincial funding applications, including the Rural Education Action Plan (REAP) and Specialist, Sub-specialty, Indigenous and Funding for Innovation (SPIFI) bursaries; and overseeing the regional management of community fund tracking, monitoring and reporting.

Q: Describe RCCbc in three words. 

A: Caring, relationships, inclusive.

Q: What motivated you to join RCCbc? 

A: I was drawn to the opportunity to work for an organization that truly cares about the health and wellness of rural citizens and communities in BC by supporting physicians and other healthcare providers in those rural and remote communities. I report into RCCbc and Interior Health, which gives me a unique opportunity to work for two organizations that improve healthcare for rural and remote communities in the Interior.

Q: What do you like most about your job? 

A: In addition to the wonderful colleagues that I have the privilege to work with every day, I enjoy building relationships with rural communities—being the “on-the-ground” support for rural physicians and bringing education “closer to home”.

Q: What has been one of your proudest moments working at RCCbc?

A: When the pandemic hit, very few resources were available for rural healthcare practitioners to address airway management for COVID-19 patients. I reached out to Dr. Ryan Hoskins to assist with the development and trial of a course on the topic, which we were able to deliver in communities across rural BC. Work is now underway to turn this training into a long-term course for rural practitioners.

Q: What hashtags best describe your personality?

A: #Dogmom #Outdoorsy #NatureLover

Q: What’s next on your bucket list?

A: To visit Iceland and walk behind the Seljalandsfoss Waterfall.

Other team members

Bree Loeffler

Administrative Assistant

Dr. Erin Carlson

Member, Parenting in Practice

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