The purpose of this program is to improve rural physician retention and skills by increasing opportunities to receive advanced training and skill enhancement. Training opportunities under this program are flexible in timing. Rural physicians are eligible to apply for up to 60 days of funding per fiscal year.
Eligible physicians who are pursuing leadership training focusing on enhancing skills for systemic improvements benefiting rural populations in British Columbia can access up to 20 days of funding through the program. The training program must be at least five days in duration to qualify for funding. Applicants are expected to seek additional funding sources such as the Shared Care/Specialist Services Committee Physician Leadership Scholarship Program. Besides funding for formalized leadership training, participants are urged to join UBC CPD’s Coaching and Mentoring Program (CAMP) and may be invited to two meetings of groups providing leadership in rural BC to gain valuable real-life context.
- Physicians who have been living and practicing in a RSA community for at least nine months of the past year.
- Physicians who are returning to practice after a leave such as parental leave, long-term illness or disability and have a formal commitment to practice in an RSA Community.
- Letters from the community and health authority confirming that the skill is needed in the community.
- Please review the “Additional Funding Opportunities” section below to explore other programs that may be available to support your training needs.
Applicants are encouraged to consult with their Hospital Chief of Staff and Regional Medical Director regarding their proposed training plan, the impact it may have on local medical staff while away, and the expectation that the applicant will return to their rural community upon completion of training.
Rural physicians who have been living and practicing in an RSA Community for less than nine months may be eligible for funding through the Rural Skills Upgrade Program.
- $950 per day stipend to cover income loss.
- $90/day is to be paid to the primary preceptor, from the daily stipend, if applicable.
- Travel costs up to $2,000 for the duration of the training period.
- Up to $200 per training day for accommodation.
Eligible rural physicians may apply for up to 60[1] days of funding per fiscal year. Funds are allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. This program will not provide funding for courses, conferences or training received outside of BC unless previously approved, or training not relevant to the approved training plan even in cases where other funding sources have been exhausted.
[1] Applicants may apply for training days based on the anticipated number of days of lost income required to pursue the leadership to a maximum of 20 days per fiscal year.
Application deadline
The application form and all supporting documents must be submitted prior to training, but may be accepted up to one week prior to the end of the fiscal year in which the training began. The fiscal year runs from April 1 – March 31.
For program inquiries contact:
REAP Physician Support Specialist
#300 – 5950 University Boulevard
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z
P: 604-827-1504
For claims and payments contact:
Doctors of BC
#115 – 1665 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC, V6J 5A4
TFP in BC: 1 800 665-2262
P: 604 736-5551