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Creating Learning Opportunities For Rural Healthcare Practitioners

The CARE Course

The CARE Course is a two-day inter-professional team-oriented learning experience developed by rural healthcare providers for rural physicians, nurses, and pre-hospital providers. It enhances healthcare teams’ ability to deliver comprehensive rural emergency care across airway management, trauma care, cardiac care, emergency obstetrics, paediatrics and neonatal care. The CARE Course takes place in local healthcare facilities with local providers.

“Really appreciated the perspective of previous rural experience and the focus on how to maintain our longevity and happiness in our career.”
The CARE Course, 2023 Participant


Long Term Success & Staying Power

The CARE Course was delighted to visit thirteen rural communities this past year. In addition, there were three residents’ courses, and one course provided for PRA/IMG physicians.

In addition, a new version of the course was developed and delivered. A pilot version of The CARE Course goes WILDE! happened in Pemberton in May, in conjunction with RCCbc’s Rural Health Conference hosted in Whistler. This received very positive reviews and an expanded version is planned for May 2024.

Since the first course in Kelowna June 2010, a total of 169 courses have been delivered.

In that time, The CARE Course has connected with more than 3650 participants, including 1800 rural physicians. The feedback continues to be overwhelmingly positive, and communities continue to appreciate the rurally-grounded, in-community, interprofessional, fun, and practical educational experience offered in the program. Faculty involved in the program continue to describe the positive impacts both for themselves and their communities.

Connecting with Remote Communities

In 2023 The CARE Course went remote visiting Dease Lake, Galiano Island and the Nisga’a Valley for the first time. Remote locations offer the opportunity to get creative when planning travel for faculty and the shipping of equipment, along with custom tailoring of the course schedule to adapt to local needs. These proved to be some of the best courses of the year!

Pursuing Innovation

The point-of-care resource cards were researched and revised this fall. This was a major undertaking and the new set of cards have been very positively received. There is also now a downloadable version, which is much appreciated by course participants. Several new scenarios (‘sims’) were developed along with the revision of several skill station outlines. Two new faculty members also joined the team in 2023. 

Explore the numbers

13 Rural Communities

13 Rural Communities

13 Rural Communities hosted The CARE Course in 2023

169 Total courses

169 Total courses

Since the initial course held in 2010, 169 courses have since been hosted

3650 Total Alumni

3650 Total Alumni

Since 2010, 3650 people have taken The CARE Course, including 1800 physicians

Making a Difference

Participants of The CARE Course have praised the supportive learning environment that contributes to the unique experience the course offers.


“I have never felt more comfortable in [Simulation] it was an incredible & safe learning environment.”
The CARE Course, 2023 Participant
“This was SO fun. What a treat to learn so much but not feel badly about myself.”
The CARE Course, 2023 Participant
“The team was amazing. Very non-judgmental, warm, and overall fantastic to work with.”
The CARE Course, 2023 Participant

Partnership Work

The CARE Course continues to work in collaboration with UBC CPD regarding education for the PRA-BC candidates. We work with UBC Department of Family Practice to engage with second year Family Practice residents in several courses each year. And The CARE Course continues to grow the relationship with Capilano University where the majority of non-community courses are delivered.

Most of all, the relationships with communities and providers are highlighted and uplifted in every interaction we have together.

Plans for the Future

In the coming year, The CARE Course will continue to connect with providers and communities and endeavour to change the culture of education and continuing professional development across all areas of healthcare.

The next iteration of The CARE Course goes WILDE is scheduled for May 2024 in Pemberton ahead of the BC Rural Health Conference in Whistler at the end of May.

Team Members

Click on a team member to explore which other projects they have contributed to in the past year.

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