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BC Rural Health Research Exchange (BCRHRx) videos now available

A broad spectrum of research was on display when the Rural Coordination Centre of BC hosted the BC Rural Health Research Exchange. The event which took place on Nov. 23 featured a total of 30 presentations by more than 40 researchers. The event was supported by the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues and the BC Emergency Medicine Network.

Rural Divisions of Family Practice Meet with SFU Medical School 

Input from rural physicians is being sought for SFU’s new medical school.  The consultation has already got underway, with members of the Network of Rural Divisions group underscoring the importance of placing medical students in rural communities during a recent meeting of the network with the interim dean and vice-dean of the new school, Drs Roger and Sarah Strasser.  

The Rural Voices Gathering

Join us from November 20 to 27, 2024 for the Rural Voices Gathering, a province-wide event to bring together and amplify the voices of rural, remote, First Nations and Métis communities relative health and wellness.

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