Parenting in Practice helps embed and normalize parenting in medical practice. The group is dedicated to increasing awareness and support for parents in practice, as well as advocating for and improving the futures of rural physicians, their families and their communities.

Explore the Numbers
21 Responses
gathered to date for to the new Parenting in Practice survey.
Plans for the Future
The Parenting in Practice working group will support the development and maintenance of community and regional groups, where safe spaces can be held for resource development and knowledge sharing. The group will also help physicians to navigate policy and procedural information around maternity or parental leave in medicine.
Team Members
Click on a team member to explore which other projects they have contributed to in the past year.

Charuka Maheswaran
Lead, Parenting in Practice
Charuka Maheswaran’s Projects: Annual Reports

Andrée-Anne Cromp
Member, Parenting in Practice
Andrée-Anne Cromp’s Projects: Annual Reports

Erin Carlson
Member, Parenting in Practice