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The Rural Voices Gathering 2024

Conversations on community driven solutions for rural health and wellness. November 20 – 27, 2024

From November 20 to 27, the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc) is hosting the Rural Voices Gathering. The province-wide event will bring together and amplify the voices of rural, remote, First Nations and Métis communities relative to: 


  • The Rural and Remote Health Strategy being developed by the BC Ministry of Health 
  • Transportation for health services  
  • Education and training for health care providers in rural communities  
  • Hybrid health care including peer-to-peer virtual support, in-person and virtual patient consultations 


In 2020, RCCbc gathered people from across the province for The BC Rural and First Nations Health and Wellness Summit, a two-day virtual summit which saw over 900 participants bring their perspectives to 57 community partnership tables. This fall, the Rural Voices Gathering will provide an opportunity to reflect and review progress, explore the current context and move forward together. 

Register to attend The Rural Voices Gathering

Bringing rural perspectives together

The Rural Voices Gathering will include two virtual sessions, held on November 20 and 27 at 8:30am-12:00pm, with in-person community discussions happening between these virtual dates. 


Relationships are the cornerstone of our efforts to improve the health of rural people and communities. When it comes to improving the health of rural people and communities, we believe that every voice has a valued perspective. Healthcare providers and administrators, community members, policy makers, academics, local businesses and organizations are all invited to take a seat at the table and join the Gathering.


Community discussion groups can include, but are not limited to, new or existing groups who share geography, interests, practice, circumstances and/or objectives.

November 20 | 8:30am-12:00pm (Virtual)

Join virtually to participant in dialogue focused on the topics listed above, with plenaries and facilitated break out rooms.

This session will utilize the describe/discover and dream phases of the appreciative inquiry process.

Open invitation to anyone living, working or providing services to a rural, remote, First Nations or Métis community.

November 27 | 8:30am-12:00pm (Virtual)

Join virtually to continue discussions, with plenaries and facilitated break out rooms.

This session will utilize the design and delivery phases of the appreciative inquiry process.

Open invitation to anyone living, working or providing services to a rural, remote, First Nations or Métis community.

Get involved 

Add your voice to the mix by registering to join as a participant and/or a facilitator. Participation in both sessions is strongly encouraged, but not mandatory. Further details will be sent out to registrants ahead of the Gathering.


Interested in acting as a facilitator for your group or community table? 


RCCbc is looking for individuals to help facilitate the in-person community discussions and/or the virtual, province-wide sessions. Facilitation training will be provided ahead of the gatherings, with funding available to cover travel and expenses to attend a one-day training session in Vancouver.

Learn more about facilitator Training 

RCCbc is looking for individuals to help facilitate the in-person community discussions and/or the virtual, province-wide sessions. Facilitators will be responsible for bringing together community groups (including, but not limited to, new or existing groups who share geography, interests, practice, circumstances and/or objectives).


In-person facilitator training led by Dr. Bob Woollard and Dr. Nelly Oelke will be held in Vancouver, BC. Travel and expenses will be covered by RCCbc and multiple date options will be available between August – November, 2024. 


These training sessions will cover: 


  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Deliberative Dialogue 
  • Breathing and Weaving 
  • The Partnership Pentagram Plus and recruitment of perspectives 
  • Virtual facilitation skills including using Zoom and automated meeting notes 
  • Group management 


Share our facilitator invitation (download PDF) →


To express interest in being a facilitator, please register and respond ‘yes’ where prompted.


Register to attend

Contact us

For more information, contact Alice Muirhead, Director, Engagement and Outreach: [email protected]

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