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Family Practice Anesthetists Network


The Family Practice Anesthesia (FPA) Network is a collegial provincial network that connects family practice anaesthetists (FPAs) from across British Columbia. Network members discuss and disseminate critical information related to their practices, including clinical questions, recruitment and retention, current political issues, and opportunities for continuing medical education.

“Wonderful content that is specifically focused on rural anesthesia.”
FPA Refresher Conference attendees


Conference success

Development and delivery of 2023 Annual UBC CPD Family Practice Anesthesia Refresher conference.  This is a highly anticipated and well-attended event for the FPAs of the province.  It is designed to meet the unique educational needs of FPAs and perhaps more importantly, to create an opportunity for networking and professional support amongst this group.  It also serves to develop relationships between the specialist anesthesiologist leaders who support FPAs in providing an essential service to rural British Columbians.

Critical information

Management of Network listserve. This is a forum for discussion and dissemination of critical information to members of the network. The listserve continues to grow every year and is used by members to connect about issues relevant to rural FPA practice.  With the help of UBC CPD we developed an online journal club and offered it to members of the network.  This helped to expand the knowledge base of FPAs which will contribute to improving quality of care for rural residents. 

Article accepted

Article submission and acceptance for publication in Canadian Journal of Anesthesiology.  In an effort to better understand our system of surgical service delivery and human resource utilization, we developed a survey and disseminated it nationally to practicing FPAs and specialist anesthesiologists.  The intent of the survey was to better understand how specialists and FPAs work collaboratively to provide care to patients.  We also collected data on availability of FPA providers to expand anesthesia delivery in both their rural hospitals and through travel to higher volume centers to deliver service. Publication is expected in 2024.

Explore the numbers

97 Participants

97 Participants

A total of 97 people participated in the FPA Conference in 2023, up from 66 last year.

97% Recommend

97% Recommend

97% of participants either agreed or strongly agreed that they “would recommend this education to a colleague” 

Partnership work

The BC Anesthesiologists’ Society has been increasingly supportive of FPA practices in Rural BC.  It is imperative that we nurture this relationship in order to improve relationships between specialists and FPAs.  Through collaborative relationships with our specialist colleagues there are many opportunities to address surgical backlogs by better utilization of rural surgical facilities and the FPA workforce. Dr. Kirk McCarroll plans to continue his work on the board of the BCAS, the economics committee and the education committee with that goal in mind. 

Plans for the Future

The network continues to grow.  A key social and educational part of this is the FPA conference.  We will repeat this again in the fall.  Work has already begun on this with collaboration with UBC CPD. 

There are also discussions about repeating the journal club that was a real success in the fall of 2023.  We are hoping to develop this in the spring.  

A new initiative that physician lead, Dr. Kirk McCarroll, would like to start, in conjunction with others at RCCbc, is in the field of planetary health. Dr. McCarroll said: “There are many organizations currently working on reducing the carbon footprint of healthcare and it is an opportune time to leverage the connections we have developed through the FPA network to become part of these initiatives.  Surgical services represent a disproportionately large impact on planetary health, and it is essential that we in the perioperative domain take action on reducing our footprint.”   

Team Members

Click on a team member to explore which other projects they have contributed to in the past year.

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