Quality Team Coaching for Rural BC (QTC4RBC) is a coaching program that empowers teams to regroup and reconnect with their purpose and take steps toward building their desired team culture and advancing their chosen goals. When healthcare teams are able to rekindle joy and meaning in their work, they’re more able to create a positive work environment, optimize their team’s performance, and increase the quality and safety of care for patients.

Explore the Numbers
5 Healthcare teams
QTC4RBC participants took part in a one-day workshop followed by four team coaching sessions, spread over a period of about six months.
Making a Difference
Hear from two rural providers from Cowichan Regional Hospital about their experience with QTC4RBC: Case study: ER team in Duncan, British Columbia
Plans for the Future
The QTC4RBC team will be wrapping up the evaluation and using the learnings to inform their planning for a new cohort of teams in 23/24. The deadline for expressions of interest in the new cohort was April 30, 2023. The team is looking to expand with the addition of another coach. There are also plans to develop and pilot a half-day workshop about the competencies and skills of highly effective teams as another offering for teams and individuals.
Team Members
Click on a team member to explore which other projects they have contributed to in the past year.

Anthon Meyer
Lead, Rural Personal Health Record
Anthon Meyer’s Projects: Annual Reports

Rahul Gupta
Lead, Mindfulness in Medicine
Rahul Gupta’s Projects: Annual Reports

Cecile Andreas
Coach, Quality Team Coaching for Rural BC
Cecile Andreas’s Projects: Annual Reports

Dana Hubler
Medical Director, Rural Continuing Professional Development
Dana Hubler’s Projects: Annual Reports

Nancy Humber
Lead, Rural Surgical & Obstetrical Networks
Nancy Humber’s Projects: Annual Reports

Adrienne Peltonen
Project Manager
Adrienne Peltonen’s Projects: Annual Reports

Tracey DeLeeuw
Project & Research Facilitator
Tracey DeLeeuw’s Projects: Annual Reports

Terra Lee
Consultant, Quality Team Coaching for Rural BC