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Network of Rural Divisions

The Network of Rural Divisions enables physician leaders and executive directors from 20 rural Divisions of Family Practice in British Columbia (BC) to connect and engage in a safe space. Members discuss successes and challenges experienced in their communities, or by healthcare providers and the Divisions, as well as potential solutions to challenges. The Network provides a unique opportunity for members to learn from others’ diverse, but common, rural experiences, bridging multiple geographic regions and health authorities, and bringing rural Divisions together to create a common understanding.

“You don’t need to be a physician to know that the last few years have been pretty dark in healthcare. And this group has held and nurtured me and taken care of me and allowed me to vent and sometimes cry how about how healthcare has been. And at the same time, has allowed me to access meaningful solutions both for myself and for also healthcare in BC.”
Dr. David May, Physician Lead, qathet Division 


Meetings and connections

The Network is comprised of 20 Divisions with members that serve RSA communities across BC. Coming together virtually every month and once a year in person, we connect to deepen relationships and share learnings, opportunities and challenges.

7:00 am hits a little different for everyone, and for many a 7:00 am meeting is less an achievement than it is something to be avoided, but we have found a way to make this time inclusive, productive, solutions-oriented and, at times, a healing experience for our network members as they navigate rural care. With 11 virtual meetings last year, many before sunrise, and one in-person gathering, we have found a way to bring remote communities and experiences a little closer together.

Explore the numbers

50+ Leaders

50+ Leaders

Over 50 leaders from Divisions of Family Practices across the province engaged in the Network (attending 1+ meeting in the last year)

11 Morning meetings

11 Morning meetings

Members of the network connected through virtual 7am meetings 11 times during 2023

8 Lunch & Learns

8 Lunch & Learns

8 virtual lunch and learns with presentations from partners were hosted during 2023

1 Gathering

1 Gathering

In June 2023, the network hosted a full day in-person gathering held at UBC's Vancouver campus

Making a Difference

The Network of Rural Divisions is committed to creating space that values connection before content and supports the deepening of relationships. We continue to aspire to have the teachings of compassionate leadership be embodied in how we lead, which includes seeking out diverse voices and creating space for all. This allows for important sharing and dialogue among healthcare leaders (Divisions and partners) from across the province to continue to progress TRC actions related to healthcare. Examples of this important work that has been shared includes Powell River journey to formally changing to ‘qathet’ Division of Family Practice as part of reconciliation with Tla’amin Nation, and the opportunity to participate in The Atleo Centre for Compassionate Leadership training provided in partnership with RCCbc.

Partnership Work

During our lunch and learn sessions, the Network hosted a multitude of partners and conversations, including Community Health Centres, the SFU Medical School, the PCN Governance Refresh and bringing birth back to community, topics are varied, but participation always deeply thoughtful.

Over the course of the year, the Network has continued to foster these relationships, and include them in conversations with our members, who then took these connections back into their community.

It is hard to predict the long-term legacy of these conversations, but we believe that work starts with connection and believe that in creating space, we foster opportunity for partnership and greater connection to the network.

Plans for the Future

Designed as a fertile space to foster discussion and deepen relationships, an in-person gathering is scheduled for June 2024. In meeting together, the representative executive directors and physician leads of the Network strive to honour and respect the needs for support and safety when digging into challenging conversations.

Team Members

Click on a team member to explore which other projects they have contributed to in the past year.

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