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Thriving Project

The Thriving Project supports and enhances the wellness of rural healthcare practitioners, including doctors, residents, nurse practitioners and midwives, from across British Columbia by fostering connections between them and building a community of practice they can draw upon for learning, support, solace and inspiration.

Image of a garden, referencing one of the Provider Thriving Together session topics on “Getting down & dirty: Wellness through gardening.”


Wellness conversations

The Thriving Project launched the “Providers Thriving Together” Wellness conversation series, which consist of free monthly virtual drop-in sessions.  These sessions provided a facilitated space for rural healthcare providers to experience camaraderie and peer support, activating their collective resilience.  Each session features presenters, who are usually rural peers from around the province, sharing practices, frameworks or ideas they’ve found useful.  The sessions prioritize time for exploring these themes in both small and large group conversations.

A total of 9 sessions have been held with topics ranging from Narrative Medicine to the Power of Awe.

Advocating for change

The Thriving team was invited by  the BC Practice Improvement Hub (PIH) to form a Wellness Subgroup. The Wellness subgroup within the PIH focuses on sharing information, data, input, and opportunities related to physician and health professional wellness, through ongoing member to member communication and sharing approach.

Furthermore, the wellness subgroup supports and advocates for both cultural changes in healthcare and structural changes on the part of organizations as a means to support physician wellness.

Explore the numbers

9 Sessions

9 Sessions

A total of 9 “Provider Thriving Together” sessions were held in 2023

7 Columns Written

7 Columns Written

7 Notes on Thriving column articles were released

Making a Difference

Topics covered during 2023 included:

  • The- Informal peer support: How deepening connections with colleagues can transform your work
  • Self-compassion: Your (not-so-secret) Superpower
  • Healthcare is crashing! Relaxing into system change using the Two-Loop Model
  • We’re better together: Growing resiliency within close relationships
  • Exploring dreams can open doors: Both for myself, and for patients
  • Getting down & dirty: Wellness through gardening
  • Narrative Medicine: Close reading makes the heart grow bigger
  • Psychological Safety: What’s Enough?
  • The Power of Awe: How experiencing awe helps you live your best life

Team Members

Click on a team member to explore which other projects they have contributed to in the past year.

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