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The Rural Locum CME Program makes funding available to members of  Locums for Rural BC to take rurally-relevant courses. The physician must be accepted by Locums for Rural BC prior to course commencement and application to the Rural Locum CME Program and be willing to provide a minimum of ten days of service to Locums for Rural BC within one year of completion of the course.





  • Must have proof of acceptance into one of the Rural Locum Programs administered by Locums for Rural BC prior to course commencement and application to the Rural Locum CME Program.
  • The course(s) must be taken during the fiscal year in which the application is submitted.  The fiscal year runs from April 1 – March 31.
  • Locum physicians may access funding prior to providing service to Locums for Rural BC.
  • Newly graduated UBC residents who are members of Locums for Rural BC  may apply for retro-active funding for the Rural Health Conference (as the additional course) through this program provided they’ve been accepted by Locums for Rural BC within the same fiscal year of completion of residency and attendance of the Conference.




  • ACLS Recertification – reimbursement of the course fee to a maximum of $350.
  • Plus reimbursement of the course fee for one additional course to a maximum of $1,000.  Available courses are listed in the table below.
  • Reimbursement of travel expenses to a maximum of $1,000.*
  • Reimbursement of accommodation expenses up to $200/night for up to three nights.  For accommodation with family/friends, a maximum of $75/night for up to three nights may be claimed.
  • Funds are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.


*Please note that travel occurring outside of BC will be reimbursed up to the round trip equivalent cost of travel between your home community and Vancouver. For physicians providing service to Locums for Rural BC who do not reside in BC, applications will be handled on a case-by-case basis to determine eligible reimbursement – the travel reimbursement may be capped at $600.


To learn more about joining the one of the Rural Locum Programs, please contact Locums for Rural BC.


Eligible Courses


Course Name Course Description
ACLS Advanced Cardiac Life Support
ACLS Update Advanced Cardiac Life Support – Recertification
ACLS-EP Advanced Cardiac Life Support – Experienced Provider
AIME Airway Interventions and Management in Emergencies
AIME Airway Interventions and Management in Emergencies – Update
ALARM Advances in Labour and Risk Management
ALSO Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics
APLS Advanced Pediatric Life Support
ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support
ATLS Instructor Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor
CARE Comprehensive Approach to Rural Emergencies
CASTED Hands-On Orthopedic Course
EDE Emergency Department Echo
EDTU Emergency Department Targeted Ultrasonography
EMR CAEP: Emergency Medicine Review
HOUSE Hands-On Ultrasound Education Program
LEAP LEAP Core (Palliative Care)
PEARS Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition and Stabilization
PALS Pediatric Advanced Life Support
PALS Pediatric Advanced Life Support – Renewal
PoCUS Point of Care Ultrasound
RHC Rural Health Conference (RCCbc)
RnR Rounds Rural & Remote Emergency Medicine Rounds
RPC Rural POCUS Congress (UBC CPD)
SEMP Simulation-assisted Emergency Medicine Procedures
UGEMP Ultrasound-Guided Emergency Medicine Procedures


Courses not listed here will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the REAP office to inquire about courses not listed here.


Return of Service Obligation: 


  • Ten days of service to Locums for Rural BC within one year of completion of the course(s).


Application Process: 


The application/claim form and all supporting documents must be submitted online within 90 days of completion of the courses or by March 31, whichever is sooner.  Both courses must be completed within the same fiscal year in which the application is submitted. The fiscal year runs from April 1 – March 31.


For program inquiries contact:


REAP Senior Program Assistant
University of British Columbia
300 – 5659 University Blvd
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3
P: (604) 827-1504




For claims and payments contact:


Doctors of BC
#115 – 1665 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC, V6J 5A4
TFP in BC: 1 800 665-2262
P: 604 736-5551

Rural Locum & New Rural Physician CME Programs Guidelines & Policies

View guidelines and policies

To apply for Rural Locum & New Rural Physician CME Programs

Apply here