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RCCbc at Ubuntu 2024: Strengthening global partnerships for rural health

Posted September 6, 2024


The Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc) is excited to announce our participation in Ubuntu 2024, a joint conference between The Network: Towards Unity for Health (TUFH) and Rural WONCA, scheduled from September 10-13, 2024, in Cape Town, South Africa. This event brings together healthcare professionals from around the world to explore and address critical issues in global and rural health, with a focus on health equity, resource scarcity, and collaborative solutions.



A History of Collaboration
RCCbc’s relationship with TUFH has been evolving over time and was formalized in 2021 when both organizations became Global Strategic Partners, united by a shared vision of transforming health systems through social accountability and equity. This partnership has been instrumental in expanding RCCbc’s global network and creating opportunities for bi-directional learning that benefits both British Columbia and international communities.



In 2022, RCCbc co-hosted the TUFH conference in Vancouver, a hybrid event that gathered over 300 participants from 46 countries, embodying the commitment to inclusive dialogue and equitable health solutions. Building on this success, our ongoing collaboration with TUFH continues to guide global health initiatives and foster impactful community-oriented strategies.


Expanding Partnerships
RCCbc’s collaboration with the Rural Doctors Network (RDN) of Australia further exemplifies our commitment to strengthening rural health systems. Since meeting at the 2022 TUFH Conference, RCCbc and RDN have worked together on numerous initiatives, including relationship-building in Australia, knowledge sharing, and the upcoming Medical Student Exchange. This partnership will be formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at the UBUNTU conference, solidifying our shared goals of enhancing rural healthcare sustainability and equity in both Canada and Australia.


Ubuntu 2024: A Unique Forum for Innovation and Learning
At Ubuntu 2024, RCCbc will join global leaders in health to discuss the parallels between global and rural health challenges, particularly around health equity and resource scarcity. This forum provides a unique opportunity for fruitful collaborations, innovations, and the sharing of knowledge that can improve healthcare outcomes across diverse settings.


Our team will present on topics such as building equity through research, the power of partnerships, and innovative frameworks for rural healthcare support. These presentations will highlight how global collaborations can drive local innovations, ultimately leading to stronger health systems and better outcomes for rural communities. For a detailed schedule of our presentations and more information about RCCbc’s involvement in Ubuntu 2024, please visit our dedicated page.


We look forward to contributing to the dialogue and learning from our global counterparts at this important event. While we’re excited to bring back fresh insights to BC, we also want to reassure everyone that our participation is funded through alternate streams, separate from RCCbc’s operations budget.

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