Fostering Connections
In 2023, the Rural Health Learning Collaborative (RHLC) continued to support the work of collective perspective groups for Rural Citizens and Linked Sectors. These groups, each convened by a partnership between a rural and a provincial organization, provide a venue for discussion of key and emergent issues among peers. These conversations inform healthcare system transformation work being done at partnership tables and committees in a safe and creative space that generates ideas based on existing priorities, as well as surfacing new priority areas for work.
This year, two new chairs were recruited for the Providers group who have re-engaged the perspective group. The collaborative also broadened its voice to include an Academic Perspective Group with a focus on learners, educators, and researchers.
Knowledge Translation
Members from the various RHLC perspective groups actively contribute to a range of health-related forums, bringing the rural viewpoint to the forefront. Instances of this involvement include participation in a digital health conference, engagement with the Society of Rural Physicians of Canada, and the Union of BC Municipalities.
The RHLC’s efforts took center stage at an international leadership conference, shining a spotlight on the utilization of the Partnership Pentagram Plus methodology in advancing rural health transformation. Health leaders deeply engaged with the Pentagram Plus model contributed to a panel discussion, showcasing the tangible effects of this pioneering approach.
Research Engagement
The RCCbc Scientific Directors continued to engage with research partners through the health care system to support the rural lens and build research capacity. Dr. Dee Taylor and Dr. Nelly Oelke bring their expertise to projects, advisory groups, and partnership tables, acting as a sounding board to provide a robust research and evaluation footing underlying these initiatives. They also work with individual physicians and researchers to develop and support rural research on specific topics of interest.