The Rural Obstetrical and Maternity Sustainability Program (ROAM–SP) funds maternity teams in rural British Columbia to strengthen their peer, facility and regional networks and enhance rural maternity care services. ROAM also helps rural communities to develop and roll out tailored plans that address the specific needs of their maternity care providers.

“The opportunity to access ROAM funding has been a source of inspiration and support to our local maternity network, and is helping to create positive engagement opportunities, and enhance attendance at events within our maternity unit. We are very appreciative of this funding, and its efforts to support rural maternity care.”
Explore the numbers
32 Teams
32 maternity teams across BC participated in ROAM during 2023
7 Events
7 ROAM Network Events were held throughout 2023
100% positive feedback
100% of Maternity Summit Evaluation respondents agreed or strongly agreed that the Summit provided an opportunity to build relationships with other partners in rural maternity care
92% optimistic responses
92% of Maternity Summit Evaluation respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they were optimistic they will be able to follow through on the commitments they made at the Summit
Plans for the Future
In the year ahead, ROAM teams will continue to enjoy funding for ongoing activities to support maternity service sustainability. We will work closely with community-based teams with a focus on supporting higher needs team and/or who have not yet used ROAM funding to its full extent. The Indigenous Partnership Funding will also be available for teams to access.
Following the 2023 Rural Maternity Summit, the team will begin planning a follow-up virtual meeting for the Summit group to maintain the momentum initiated through the Summit and continue the conversations and relationships. In particular we will continue to nurture our close partnership with PSBC and build on our knowledge of what it means to work in inter-organizational collaborative teams.
Team Members
Click on a team member to explore which other projects they have contributed to in the past year.

Lee Yeates
Co-Lead, Rural Obstetrics & Maternity Sustainability Program
Lee Yeates’s Projects: Annual Reports

Sara Sandwith
Co-Lead, Rural Obstetrics & Maternity Sustainability Program
Sara Sandwith’s Projects: Annual Reports

Michelle McGoldrick
Project Coordinator