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RTVS Sim program celebrates milestones

Posted July 9, 2024


The Real-Time Virtual Support (RTVS) Simulation (Sim) program is celebrating new milestones.


The program has not only expanded the horizons of technology and virtual communication skills but has also played a pivotal role in introducing RTVS—clinical peer support for rural providers—to sites that had previously never seen RTVS.


Over the past three years, led by Dr. Brydon Blacklaws, the RTVS Sim program has delivered a total of 16 FNHA Nursing Station simulations, 26 Community simulations, and 27 UBC Family Practice Residency Site simulations, marking notable achievements in RTVS education and community onboarding.


Rural providers in BC can connect with on-call RTVS peer pathway providers over Zoom or over the phone for clinical help. Our 24/7 Instant Access pathways are staffed by friendly, compassionate physicians who understand the rural context. Our three Instant Access pathways are RUDi (Emergency), MaBAL (Maternity & Newborns) and CHARLiE (Pediatrics). We also have six RTVS Quick Reply peer pathways that are available weekdays during business hours.



Members of the RTVS Sim team, from left, Dr. Scot Mountain, Dr. Jeanne Macleod, Dr. Brittany Ansell, Dr. Brydon Blacklaws, Lisa Wissink and Erica Chaplin.

All these peer pathways are administered by the Rural Coordination Centre of BC.


The RTVS Simulation program was launched about a year after the launch of RTVS itself. Led by UBC Rural CPD, the partnership has also included RCCbc, Health Authority Sim programs, rural hospitals, residency programs, FNHA, Emergency Education Programs (NEEP/NoEEP), PTN, as well as other virtual Sim programs, REAP, and various courses such as The CARE Course.


UBC Rural CPD offers simulation education free of charge to give healthcare providers an opportunity to hone clinical and collaborative skills, practice connecting to RTVS and experience receiving support from an RTVS virtual provider first-hand.

With Brydon stepping away, the RTVS Sim program has officially announced a new medical lead.


Dr. Scot Mountain, from Trail, has been the ICU Director at the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital for 15 years and has been involved with RTVS since 2021 in the role of ROCCi (Rural Outreach for Critical Care and internal medicine) lead.


The RTVS Simulation program group at UBC RCPD said they very excited to welcome Scot to the Medical Lead role, and couldn’t wait to see how the program evolved under his leadership.


To read more about Scot’s appointment, read the UBC CPD announcement here.


Interested in scheduling a simulation for your community? The program has a variety of ways to support you.


Supported: Your community or organization is in the process of coordinating a simulation and you would like to include an RTVS component with a dedicated RTVS Provider scheduled to support the session.

Coordinated: Your community or organization is interested in offering simulation education featuring an RTVS call, and you would like the support of the UBC CPD team to coordinate the education.


To book a simulation visit:


To learn more about simulation-based education in general, visit the UBC Faculty of Medicine site.


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