The Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc) and the Rural Doctors Network (RDN) of New South Wales in Australia, are pleased to announce their newly formalized partnership through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed at the Ubuntu 2024 conference in Cape Town, South Africa. The MOU solidifies our commitment towards strengthening rural healthcare systems, infrastructure, and workforces across both Canada and Australia, with a shared commitment to sustainability and equity in rural health.
The relationship between RCCbc and RDN has been steadily growing since their leaders first connected at the 2022 TUFH Conference. Richard Colbran, CEO of RDN, and Dr. Ray Markham, Medical Executive Director of RCCbc, recognized a shared vision for enhancing rural healthcare, leading to ongoing collaboration. Colbran reflected on this early connection, noting: “Our two organizations have clearly emerged from more than just scientific ideas or methods – they embody a genuine commitment to people. What I have learned… is that few people and organizations truly live by the principle of keeping the community at the centre.”

“Our two organizations have clearly emerged from more than just scientific ideas or methods – they embody a genuine commitment to people. What I have learned… is that few people and organizations truly live by the principle of keeping the community at the centre.”
Over the past two years, this partnership has evolved through a series of joint initiatives, including knowledge exchanges, leadership meetings, and co-presentations at global health events. The MOU outlines a framework for continued collaboration, with a focus on relationship-building, knowledge sharing, and joint initiatives that enhance rural healthcare in both countries. Highlights of the partnership include the creation of virtual Learning Sessions, co-facilitated by RCCbc and RDN, that prioritize cultural safety and humility. These sessions integrate the knowledge of Indigenous Elders and knowledge holders, ensuring a rich and meaningful learning experience for participants.
In addition, the MOU formalizes ongoing establishment for regular executive meetings, which will guide the development of joint workplans and evaluation processes. This ongoing reflection and documentation of shared learning will support the partnership’s long-term goals of improving rural healthcare outcomes.
As part of their commitment to fostering cross-border collaboration, RCCbc and RDN are launching a Medical Student Exchange in late fall 2024. Two medical students from RDN’s network will complete their third-year placements with RCCbc, participating in clinical and non-clinical activities under the mentorship of RCCbc members. This exchange marks an important milestone in the partnership, paving the way for future opportunities in bi-directional knowledge sharing and professional development.

The signing of this MOU represents more than just a formal agreement—it symbolizes the shared commitment of RCCbc and RDN to rural healthcare innovation and sustainability. By continuing to work together and share their respective strengths, both organizations are driving positive change that transcends borders and benefits rural communities in Canada and New South Wales.
For more information about the Rural Doctors Network and their work, visit their website.