The Rural Continuing Medical Education (RCME) Community Program provides funding and resources to groups of physicians, including generalists and specialists, who live and deliver care in Rural Subsidiary Agreement (RSA) communities. By addressing physicians’ collective learning needs—giving them more control over learning activities, reducing funding challenges, and improving relationships amongst health system partners—the Program improves the capacity of local healthcare systems. The provincial staffing model includes liaisons who are embedded in regional health authorities and the Rural Coordination Centre of BC to help rural communities develop local RCME models and collective learning strategies.
Rural Programs Liaisons are also an important component of the RCME Community Program—and other rural programs. In addition to assisting with the RCME Community Program, they seek additional opportunities to support rural programs of benefit to rural doctors and other providers. Through engagement and consultation with rural physicians and medical leaders, they build relationships, increase communication, and identify opportunities for community support and planning for the vast portfolio of rural programs. Similar to the RCME Liaisons, the Rural Programs Liaisons, who are located in several locations around the province, sits in a co-reporting relationship with health authorities and the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc), and are accountable to the health authorities and Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues.

Explore the Numbers
101 Communities
in total are participants in the RCME Community Program.
15 Grants awarded
through the Specialist, Sub-specialty, Indigenous and Funding for Innovation (SPIFI) grant.
7 RSA communities
were successfully brought onboard and into the program during the 2022-23 fiscal year.
Plans for the Future
In the coming year, the RCME Community Program will continue building relationships with rural doctors and continue to search for opportunities for alignment with the Rural Programs Liaison team. An area of focus in the coming year will be to collaborate with work on the Northern & Isolation Travel Assistance Outreach Program. Whenever possible, specialist outreach visits should be coordinated with local Continuing Medical Education sessions to maximize the value of specialist outreach visits.
Team Members
Click on a team member to explore which other projects they have contributed to in the past year.

Ian Schokking
Lead, Rural CME Community Program | Lead, Research, Evaluation & Quality Improvement
Ian Schokking’s Projects: Annual Reports

Alan Ruddiman
Director | Lead, Rural Programs Liaisons
Alan Ruddiman’s Projects: Annual Reports

Drew Baird
Provincial Manager RCME and Rural Programs
Drew Baird’s Projects: Annual Reports

Nicole Hochleitner-Wain
Rural CME Liaison, Interior Region
Nicole Hochleitner-Wain’s Projects: Annual Reports

Jayleen Emery
Senior Project Coordinator
Jayleen Emery’s Projects: Annual Reports

Angela Hennig
Rural Programs Liaison, Interior Region
Angela Hennig’s Projects: Annual Reports

Thérèse O'Brien
Rural Programs Liaison, Island Region
Thérèse O'Brien’s Projects: Annual Reports

Charlene Hazelton
Rural Programs Liaison, Northern Region