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Why SPIFI exists

We recognize that specialists, family physicians with sub-specialties, and Indigenous communities require additional assistance and supports to:


  • focus on RCME in areas with a low number of relevant learners
  • increase capacity to deliver health care services to indigenous communities, through collective learning activities
  • support innovative delivery of, and approaches to community RCME


SPIFI enables groups of physicians to form networks that are not based on geography so that they may collaboratively create and participate in innovative educational opportunities.

Who can apply?

Applications may only be submitted by a group (approximately 4–6 physicians), or a collaborative of physicians from two or more RSA communities. Single applicants are not eligible for this funding.


SPIFI funds are available to groups of physicians who live and practice in an RSA community and whose proposal meets at least one of the following criteria:


  • Engaging Indigenous communities in activities that improve healthcare provider response to local needs
  • Seeking to implement community RCME activities that are innovative in communities
  • Bringing other relevant learners together to address their collective learning needs


Proposed activities must be consistent with the goal of addressing the communities’ RCME needs in rural and remote communities. Applicant groups may apply for up to $10,000 per fiscal year. Prior to accessing SPIFI funds, applicant groups should make use of Individual RCME, Community RCME, and/or REAP funding to assist with expenses for proposed activities.

To apply for funding

To be considered for funding, we ask you to provide the following information about your proposal:


1. Application Form – Please select the form based on the amount of funding needed for the initiative.

2.  Participant list including specialties and communities involved; and,

3. Summary of cost/budget and other sources of funding supporting the activity.


SPIFI one-pager

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