Real-Time Virtual Support’s RUDi, MaBAL, CHARLiE and ROCCi pathways are free and friendly support from virtual physicians and they are available to nurses in rural, remote and Indigenous communities.

When would you need to call?
When you’re working without in-person physician support
If you are a nurse at a nursing station or another health centre without a physician, you can call RTVS for support.
To book a simulation
Does your team need to practice something and you want RTVS support? Book a simulation and we can facilitate it. Visit the RTVS Simulations page to find out more.
Team needs support
Nurses can connect with RTVS if the physician(s) they are working with ask for additional help. Sometimes physicians are too busy to make the call to RTVS — you can help.
Consider embedding RTVS into your team
Having RUDi, MaBAL and CHARLiE on your team is like having extra colleagues. We are happy to meet with your rural clinical team to discuss how we can be part of your support system. Email [email protected].
Emergency Department coverage
In addition to providing 24/7 nursing outpost station coverage, RTVS virtual physicians have supported nurses at small rural hospitals. This work – where the RUDi doctor is temporarily the Most Responsible Provider (MRP) at a small rural Emergency Department with on-the-ground nurses – has prevented diversion and is designed to try to prevent physician burn-out and aid with recruitment and retention.
Previously called RUDi MRP, this work now takes place under the Virtual Emergency Room Rural assistance (VERRa) banner.
MaBAL Coaching Sessions
Registered Midwives and Registered Nurses have been providing coaching sessions for nurses as part of MaBAL outreach. The coaching sessions were geared towards nurses supporting maternity care in rural sites. The popular sessions started in January 2022 and covered a range of topics through interactive case discussions. Topics covered included:
- First Trimester Bleeding
- Imminent Delivery
- Infant Nutrition and Breastfeeding
- Cord Prolapse
- Discharge Education in Early Labour
- Perinatal Loss
Calling RTVS for Nurses Poster
Real-Time Virtual Support’s RUDi, MaBAL and CHARLiE pathways are free and friendly support from virtual physicians and they are available to nurses. Download the RTVS for Nurses poster and print it and post it at your rural health site to keep the RTVS pathways top of mind.