The Community Engagement Action Plan (CEAP) will help build genuine, trusted, collaborative and long-term relationships between RCCbc and rural communities across British Columbia. By enhancing these relationships, rural communities’ voices will be better heard and understood—and RCCbc will be better able to support rural communities.
Explore the Numbers
923 Connections
across the 177 rural communities with RCCbc's network. This will support improved coordination efforts, explore potential project synergies, and ensure alignment with community touchpoints.
12 Staff Members
have been onboarded as 'Community Connectors'. They will serve as a vital link between the RCCbc network and rural communities.
Plans for the Future
CEAP will continue to develop its internal capacity not only to better share information and coordinate its work, but also staff’s collective capacity as ‘community connectors’ to act as a bridge between the RCCbc and the rural communities we serve. The ‘Info Hub’ will grow to include more useful community information to facilitate engagement, and we explore project synergies, internally and externally. The CEAP team continue to facilitate and support RCCbc’s staff and network in our collective learning journey to develop trusted relations with the rural communities we serve.
Team Members
Click on a team member to explore which other projects they have contributed to in the past year.
Anthon Meyer
Lead, Rural Personal Health Record
Anthon Meyer’s Projects: Annual Reports
Tracey DeLeeuw
Project & Research Facilitator
Tracey DeLeeuw’s Projects: Annual Reports
Leslie Carty
Executive Director, Operations
Leslie Carty’s Projects: Annual Reports
Krystal Wong
Senior Project Coordinator
Krystal Wong’s Projects: Annual Reports
Tom Skinner
Project Manager
Tom Skinner’s Projects: Annual Reports
Olivia Cheng
Communications Officer