The Rural Locums Initiative centralizes and shares information and resources among locums. It also enhances supports to ensure more physicians are comfortably incorporated into the locum pool. The availability of this pool supports recruitment, retention and resilience in rural British Columbia.

“Locum work is very rewarding, but many aspects make it challenging. The Rural Locum Initiative helps support people in their work and assist in navigating the system, making it easier for them to provide this essential service. A robust locum program, well supported by central organization, is imperative to the health of medical communities in rural BC.”
What supports exist for physicians who locum?
The Rural Locums Initiative provides information and supports for physicians interested in locuming.
We partner with organizations that assist physicians seeking to locum as well as communities looking for a locum to provide coverage.
- Locums for Rural BC
Family physicians and specialists interested in locuming in rural BC locations through one of the Rural GP Locum Program, Rural GP Anesthesia Program, or the Rural Specialist Locum Program are encouraged to connect with Locums for Rural BC who administers all three programs on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Doctors of BC.
This website was created by a group of new medical graduates looking for a comprehensive yet simple way to search for locum work. The site currently posts positions from across the country for family physicians and specialists looking for a broad range of work (locum, permanent, hospital, or walk-in).
- BC Family Doctors
BC Family Doctors have a searchable online locum and job listing that can be customized by location, length of time, and specialty.
Physicians providing locum services in rural BC have several options for CME/CPD. One event to consider is the Rural Locum Forum, which brings together providers from across BC to learn and network. Additionally, funding through REAP for CME/CPD is available to locums practicing in RSA communities.
Program for physicians new to rural practice
For physicians who are new to rural practice, support to transition into rural locuming is available through the Locums for Rural BC program. This initiative provides opportunities for those who are new to rural practice to deploy to a rural community with either a mentor, peer(s) or group to facilitate learning and adaptation.
Resident Locum Matching Program
In order to enhance locum opportunities in BC we have attempted to advance recruitment and retention of rural locums through the Resident Locum Matching Program. The program matches residents who are looking for extra rural training with practicing rural and remote locums. Communities and locations will vary by preceptor, but typically include a mixture of family medicine clinic and rural emergency room training. Anyone interested in working as a preceptor or any residents who are interested in a rural elective preceptorship can contact [email protected]. Funding for up to $1,000 for round-trip travel and $350/week accommodation is available through REAP.
Discussion group
If you’re currently working as a rural locum and want to connect virtually with other rural locums to discuss practice, billing, rural community amenities, etc. – consider joining the BC Rural Locum Discussion Group. The discussion group is a moderated listserv for new and experienced locums alike. Simply email [email protected] if you would like to be invited to the group.
To learn more about locum resources, contact us via email [email protected].
Download the Resident Locum Matching brochure
Rural Education Action Plan (REAP) support for locums
There are four REAP programs which support the continuing medical education needs of BC locum physicians:
- Rural Skills Upgrade Program
- Rural Locum CME Program
- Postgraduate Rural Elective Support
- San’yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training
To learn more about these programs, contact the REAP Senior Program Assistant via email or by phone at 604-827-1504.
Open Chapter of the Rural and Remote Division of Family Practice
Rural locums – owing to the variable nature of their work – are not broadly represented at policy tables within BC. The Open Chapter of the Rural and Remote Division of Family Practice provides a place for rural locums to have a voice and an influence on healthcare in British Columbia.
The Open Chapter represents three groups of physicians:
- doctors from communities scattered across rural and remote BC that are too small to form a separate chapter and don’t fit well within adjacent divisions;
- rural locum physicians; and,
- rural physicians involved in broad rural initiatives, such as telemedicine, recruitment and retention strategies, and new approaches to sustainable rural health service models.
To learn more about how the Open Chapter is advocating for rural locum concerns, visit the Rural and Remote Division of Family Practice website or contact the group at [email protected] or at 236-520-2211.